Section: Dissemination

Animation of the scientific community

Organization of conferences

The workshop ”The Stochastic Schrödinger Equations in Selected Physics Problems”, CEA, Espace de Structure Nucléaire Théorique, Saclay, was partially organized by X. Antoine, December 2011.

The conference “Contrôle et énergie” has been organized in Nancy by T. Chambrion and G. Millerioux (CRAN, Nancy).

Editorial activities

F. Alabau is a member of the editorial board of the journal Evolution Equations and Control Theory (EECT), American Institute of Mathematics and Sciences (AIMS)


F. Alabau is a member of the evaluation panel for the INDAM post- doctoral fellowship, 7th european program and member of the scientific committee of the CIMPA-UNESCO-TUNISIE "Contrôle et stabilisation des EDP", 9-19 may, Monastir, Tunisia. In may 2011, she carried out an expertise for Paris town for the program "Research in Paris", for foreign researchers. In February 2011, she carried out an expertise for promotion to the highest grade of professorship for a Research Institute in mathematics, India.

Invited conferences (selection)

K. Ramdani was invited to

Workshop “Control of PDE and Inverse Problems” (Amiens, September 2011);

Workshop “Polaritons 2011” (CIRM, April 2011).

F. Alabau took part to conferences

GDRE CONEDP, LATP, Marseille, 21-23 november 2011;

IFIP TC7 2011, Mini-symposium Analysis and control of composite PDE systems: new challenges and methods, 12-16 September 2011, Berlin;

Conference “Partial Differential Equations, Optimal Design and Numerics”, IV Edition, International Center of Sciences, Benasque, Espagne (Plenary conference);

Conference “Partial Differential Equations, Optimal Design and Numerics”, IV Edition, International Center of Sciences, Benasque, Espagne. Presentation of the GDRE CONEDP;

Workshop program of INDAM, GDRE CONEDP, “New trends in Analysis and Control of Nonlinear PDEs”, 13-15 june 2011, Rome (Plenary conference);

Conference on Modeling and Control of Nonlinear Evolution Equations, Trieste, 24-27 may 2011, Italy. (plenary conference).

T. Takahashi was invited to

Control of Partial and Differential Equations Days in Orleans, September 26-27, 2011;

International Workshop on Control and Optimization of PDEs, Graz (Austria), October 10-14, 2011

T. Chambrion was invited to

Workshop on Quantum Control, April 2011, Banff, Canada.

J.F. Scheid was invited to

Seminar at the Applied Mathematics Laboratory (LJK) of the University of Grenoble, January 2011;

Seminar "GDR MACS / GDR "Contrôle des décollements", ENS Cachan, november 2011.

X. Antoine was invited to

General meeting of GDR Ondes, Nice, 24-26 octobre 2011;

Seminar in Zurich University, Switzerland, March 2011;

Seminar of nuclear physics in CEA Bruyères-le-Châtel, June 2011;

Seminar in Genève University, Switzerland, October 2011.

Université de Liège, Belgique, one month stay, November-December 2011.